Accommodation terms and conditions
第1条 当旅館が宿泊者との間で締結する宿泊契約及びこれに関連する契約は、この約款に定めるところによるものとし、この約款に定めのない事項については、法令又は一般に確立された慣習によるものとします。
(2) 当旅館は、前項の規定にかかわらず、この約款の趣旨、法令及び慣習に反しない範囲で特約に応ずることができます。
第2条 当旅館に宿泊契約の申し込みを行う場合は、次の事項を当旅館に申し出ていただきます。
(2) 宿泊者が、宿泊中に前項②の宿泊日を越えて宿泊の継続を申し入れた場合、当旅館はその申し出がなされた時点で新たな宿泊契約の申し込みがあったものとして処理します。
第3条 前条の規定により宿泊契約が成立したときは、宿泊期間(3日を超えるときは3日間)の宿泊料金を限度とする予約金の支払いを求めることがあります。
(2) 前項の予約金はまず、宿泊者が最終的に支払うべき宿泊料に充当し、第5条の定める場合に該当するときは、同条の違約金に充当し、第18条の規定を適用する事態が生じたときは、違約金に次いで賠償金の順序に充当し、残額があれば、第10条の規定による料金の支払いの際に返還します。
第4条 当旅館は、次に揚げる場合において、宿泊の引き受けをお断りすることがあります。
第5条 当旅館は、宿泊契約の申込者が、宿泊契約の全部を解除したときは、以下の「違約金申し受け規定」により違約金を申し受けます。
1週間前 宿泊料金の20%
3日前 宿泊料金の30%
前日 宿泊料金の50%
当日 宿泊料金の100%
(2) 当旅館は、宿泊者が連絡をしないで宿泊日当日の午後7時になっても到着しないときは、その宿泊契約は申込者により解除されたものとみなし処理することがあります。
(3) 前項の規定により解除されたものとみなした場合において宿泊者が、その連絡をしないで到着
第6条 当旅館は、他に定める場合を除くほか、次の場合には、宿泊契約を解除することができます。
(2) 当旅館は、前項の規定により宿泊契約を解除した時は、その予約についてすでに収受した予約金があれば返還いたします。
第7条 宿泊者は、宿泊日当日フロントにおいて、次の事項を登録してください。
(2) 宿泊者が第10条の料金の支払いを、宿泊券等通貨に変り得る方法により行おうとするときは、あらかじめ前項の登録時にそれらを提示していただきます。
第8条 宿泊者が、客室を使用していただく時刻(チェックイン)は、午後3時とします。また客室をおあけいただく時刻(チェックアウト)は、午前10時とします。
第9条 当旅館の主な施設等の営業時間は次のとおりとします。
●フロント業務 午前8時~午後9時(予約受付も含む)
●売店業務 午前8時~午後9時
★朝食 午前7時~
★夕食 午後6時~午後8時
(2) 上記の時間は、臨時に変更することがあります。その場合には、適当な方法をもってお知らせいたします。
第10条 宿泊者が支払うべき宿泊料金等の内訳は宿泊料+消費税+入湯税となります。 (2) 前項の宿泊料金等の支払いは通貨又は当旅館が認めた宿泊券等に変り得る方法により、宿泊者の出発の際又は当旅館が請求したとき、フロントにおいて行っていただきます。 (3) 当旅館が宿泊者に客室を提供し、使用が可能になった後、宿泊者が任意に宿泊しなかった場合においても、宿泊料金は申し受けます。
第11条 宿泊客は、当旅館内においては、当旅館が定めて旅館内に掲示した利用規則に従っていただきます。
第12条 お引き受けした宿泊期間中といえども、次の場合には、宿泊の継続をお断りすることがあります。
第13条 当旅館の宿泊に関する責任は、宿泊者が宿泊の登録を行ったとき又は客室に入ったときのいずれかはやい時に始まり、宿泊者が出発するため客室を空けたときに終わります。
(2) 当旅館は、宿泊契約及びこれに関連する契約の履行に当たり、またそれらの不履行により宿泊者に損害を与えたときは、その損害を賠償します。ただし、それが当旅館の責めに帰すべき理由によるものでないときは、この限りではありません。
第14条 当旅館は、宿泊者に契約した客室を提供できないときは、天災その他の理由により、困難な場合を除き宿泊者の了解を得て、できる限り同一の条件によるほかの宿泊施設をあっ旋するものとします。この場合には、客室の提供が継続できなくなった日の宿泊料金を含むその後の宿泊料金はいただきません。
第15条 宿泊者がフロントにお預けになった物品または現金並びに貴重品について、減失、棄損等の損害が生じたときは、それが不可抗力である場合を除き、当旅館は、その損害を賠償します。ただし、多額の現金、高額な貴重品はお預かりできない場合があります。また、有価証券等、銀行貯金通帳、印鑑等はお預かりできません。
(2) 宿泊者が当旅館内にお持込になった物品又は現金並びに貴重品についてフロントにお預けにならなかったものについて、当旅館の故意又は過失により減失、棄損等の損害が生じたときは、当旅館は、その損害を賠償します。
第16条 宿泊者の手荷物が、宿泊に先立って当旅館に到着した場合は、その到着前に当旅館が了解したときに限って責任を持って保管し、宿泊者がフロントにおいてチェックインする際お渡しします。
(2) 宿泊者がチェックアウトした後、宿泊者の手荷物又は携帯品が当旅館に置き忘れられていた場合において、その所有者が判明したときは、当旅館は、当該所有者に連絡をするとともにその指示を求めるものとします。ただし、所有者の指示がない場合又は所有者が判明しないときは、発見日を含め7日間保管し、その後、最寄りの派出所に届けます。
(3) 前2項の場合における宿泊者の手荷物又は携帯品の保管についての当旅館の責任は、第1項の場合にあっては前条第1項の規定に、前項の場合にあっては同条第2項の規定に準じるものとします。
第17条 宿泊者が当旅館の駐車場をご利用になる場合、車両キーの寄託にかかわらず、当旅館は場所をお貸しするものであって、車両の管理責任まで負うものではありません。ただし、駐車場の管理にあたり、当旅館の故意又は過失によって損害を与えたときは、その賠償の責めに任じます。
第18条 宿泊者の故意又は過失により当旅館が損害を被ったときは、当該宿泊者は当旅館に対し、その損害を賠償していただく場合があります。
第19条 館内へのペット持ち込み禁止は禁止とさせていただきます。但し、介護犬に属する犬を除く。駐車場車内にて管理していただきます。
Article 1
(1) The accommodation contract and related contracts concluded by the Ryokan with the Guest shall be in accordance with the provisions of these Terms and Conditions, and matters not stipulated in these Terms and Conditions shall be in accordance with laws and regulations or generally established customs.
(2) Notwithstanding the provisions of the preceding paragraph, the ryokan may accept a special contract to the extent that it does not violate the purpose of these terms and conditions, laws and regulations, and customs.
Article 2
1. When applying for an accommodation contract with this inn, the following matters must be notified to this inn.
1. Name, age, gender, address and occupation of the Guest(s);
2. Date of accommodation and estimated time of arrival
3. Other matters deemed necessary by the inn
(2) In the event that the Guest requests, during his/her stay, to extend his/her stay beyond the date set forth in 2 of the preceding Paragraph, the Ryokan shall treat it as an application for a new Accommodation Contract at the time such request is made.
Article 3
(1) When an accommodation contract has been concluded pursuant to the provisions of the preceding Article, the Guest may be required to pay a reservation deposit up to the maximum of the accommodation charges for the entire period of stay (3 days if the period of stay exceeds 3 days).
(2) The deposit referred to in the preceding paragraph shall first be applied to the accommodation charges to be paid by the Guest, and if it falls under the cases stipulated in Article 5, it shall be applied to the cancellation charges set forth in the same Article, and in the event that the provisions of Article 18 apply, it shall be applied to the order of reparations after the cancellation charges, and the remainder, if any, shall be refunded at the time of payment of the charges prescribed in Article 4.
Article 4
1. The ryokan may refuse to accept accommodation in the following cases.
1. When the application for accommodation does not comply with these Terms and Conditions.
2. When there is no room available due to full occupancy.
1. When it is recognized that the person seeking accommodation is likely to conduct himself or herself in a manner that will contravene the provisions of laws and regulations, public order or good morals in regard to his/her accommodation;
2. When the person seeking accommodation can be clearly detected as carrying an infectious disease;
3. When the Guest is requested to bear an unreasonable burden in relation to the accommodation;
4. When it is not possible to provide accommodation due to natural disasters, malfunction of facilities, or other unavoidable reasons.
5. When it falls under the case that is specifically stipulated in the prefectural ordinance.
Article 5
(1) In the event that the applicant for the Accommodation Contract cancels the entire Accommodation Contract, the Ryokan shall pay a penalty in accordance with the following "Cancellation Charge Provisions".
1 week in advance: 20% of the room rate
3 days in advance: 30% of the room rate
The day before: 50% of the room rate
On the day: 100% of the room rate
(2) In the event that the Guest does not arrive by 7 p.m. on the day of accommodation without notifying the Guest, the Ryokan may regard the Accommodation Contract as having been cancelled by the Applicant. (If the estimated time of arrival is specified in advance, the time after 2 hours of that time)
(3) In the event that the Ryokan is deemed to have been cancelled in accordance with the provisions of the preceding paragraph, the guest arrives without notifying the guest.
If it is proved that the failure to do so is due to non-arrival or delay of public transportation such as trains, buses, aircraft, or other reasons not attributable to the guest, the cancellation fee set forth in Paragraph 1 shall not be charged.
Article 6
(1) Except as otherwise specified, the ryokan may cancel the accommodation contract in the following cases.
1. When any of Article 4 (3) to (7) applies.
2. When payment of the reservation deposit stipulated in Article 3, Paragraph 1 is requested and the payment is not made by the due date.
(2)In the event that the Ryokan cancels the Accommodation Contract pursuant to the provisions of the preceding paragraph, the Ryokan shall refund the reservation deposit, if any, already received for the reservation.
Article 7
(1)Guests are requested to register the following items at the front desk on the day of their stay.
1. Name, address, telephone number, age and occupation of the Guest;
2. In the case of foreign nationals, nationality, passport number, place and date of landing in Japan
3. Departure date and estimated time of departure
4. Other matters deemed necessary by the inn
(2) In the event that the Guest intends to pay the Accommodation Charges prescribed in Article 10 by any means that can be converted into currency, such as Accommodation Vouchers, such payment shall be presented in advance at the time of the registration prescribed in the preceding Paragraph.
Article 8
(1) The time (check-in) of the guest room shall be 3 p.m. In addition, the time of check-out (check-out) is 10 am.
Article 9
(1)The business hours of the main facilities of this ryokan are as follows.
1. Front desk: 8 a.m. ~ 9 p.m. (including reservations)
2. Shop: 8 a.m. ~ 9 p.m.
●Meal serving hours in the cafeteria
★Breakfast 7:30 a.m.~
★ Dinner: 6 p.m. ~ 8 p.m.
(2) The above times are subject to change from time to time. In that case, we will notify you by an appropriate method.
Article 10
(1) The breakdown of the accommodation charges, etc. to be paid by the guest is accommodation fee + consumption tax + bathing tax.
(2) Payment of the accommodation charges, etc. set forth in the preceding paragraph shall be made at the front desk at the time of the guest's departure or at the time of request by the inn by a method that can be changed into currency or accommodation vouchers approved by the inn.
(3) Even if the guest does not voluntarily stay at the hotel after the inn has provided the guest with a room and made it available for use, the accommodation fee will be charged.
Article 11
The Guest shall comply with the rules of use established by the Ryokan and posted in the inn.
Article 12
Even during the period of stay accepted, the hotel may refuse to continue staying in the following cases.
1. When any of Article 4 (3) to (7) applies.
2. When you do not comply with the rules of use of the preceding article
Article 13
(1)The responsibility for accommodation of the Hotel shall commence when the Guest registers for accommodation or enters the guest room, whichever is earlier, and ends when the guest vacates the guest room for departure.
(2)In the performance of the accommodation contract and related contracts, the ryokan shall compensate the guest for any damage caused by the failure thereof. However, this does not apply if it is not due to reasons attributable to the inn.
Article 14
If the inn is unable to provide the contracted room to the guest, it will be difficult due to natural disasters or other reasons.
With the consent of the guest, we will arrange other accommodation facilities of the same condition as much as possible. In this case, the hotel will not charge the accommodation fee thereafter, including the accommodation fee on the day when the room can no longer be provided.
Article 15
(1) In the event of loss, damage, or other damage to goods, cash or valuables deposited at the front desk by the guest, the ryokan shall compensate for the damage, except in cases of force majeure. However, we may not be able to keep large amounts of cash or valuables. In addition, securities, bank savings passbooks, seals, etc. cannot be kept.
(2) In the event of loss or damage caused by the intention or negligence of the inn with respect to goods, cash or valuables brought into the inn by the guest that were not deposited at the front desk, the ryokan shall compensate for the damage.
Article 16
(1) In the event that the baggage of the Guest arrives at the Ryokan prior to his/her stay, the Hotel shall be responsible for keeping it and handing it over to the Guest at the front desk at the time of check-in, only if the Ryokan agrees to do so prior to his/her arrival.
(2) In the event that the baggage or personal belongings of the Guest are left behind at the Ryokan after the Guest has checked out, and the owner is identified, the Ryokan shall contact the owner and request his or her instructions. However, if there is no instruction from the owner or if the owner cannot be identified, it will be kept for 7 days including the day of discovery, and then delivered to the nearest police station.
(3) The inn's responsibility for the custody of the guest's baggage or belongings in the case of the preceding two paragraphs shall be in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 1 of the preceding article in the case of paragraph 1, and with the provisions of paragraph 2 of the same article in the case of the preceding paragraph.
Article 17
When a guest uses the parking lot of this inn, regardless of the deposit of the vehicle key, the inn will lend the place and will not be responsible for the management of the vehicle. However, in the event that the inn intentionally or negligently causes damage in the management of the parking lot, we will be responsible for compensation.
Article 18
In the event that the Ryokan suffers damage due to the intention or negligence of the guest, the guest may be required to compensate the inn for the damage.
Article 19
Pets are prohibited from being brought into the building. However, dogs belonging to the service dog category are excluded. You will be asked to manage it in the parking lot.